Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Libido / Pneuma - Motionless / 滅びの塔 7" flexi (Marquee Moon, 1981)

The third Marquee Moon flexi just might be my favorite. Libido's Motionless is simply one of the most deliciously sub-zero minimal-synth tracks ever. Pair that with Pneuma's cosmic cyber-noir vibes and you've got a real winner.


nattliga_toner said...

Oh man, you're really killing it! These are all awesome releases (GdR/Phaidia is probably my all time fave, but Libido/Pneuma isn't far behind).

Do you have all the Marquee Moon flexis?
Feelin' pretty jealous over here ;)

c.patera said...

Unless there are more than 9, I do indeed have them all!

#'s 7-9 hit the blog tomorrow.

no name said...

maximum thanx!

Anonymous said...

m o t i o n less... sweet junkie food, thx